Presented by Keith Tyson of WSSC
Register HERE by January 19th!
What if you could save millions and put pipes in the ground that last 30% longer? That’s what the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is doing with its strategy of switching to zinc-coated ductile iron pipes wrapped in a V-Bio Enhanced Polyethylene encasement to help enhance the life of the pipes and prevent corrosion. Additionally, WSSC is using an innovative procurement strategy to acquire those pipes. WSSC is among the largest water and wastewater utilities in the country, and it is the largest water utility in Maryland. With a network of nearly 5,600 miles of fresh water pipeline and over 5,400 miles of sewer pipeline, the WSSC service area includes nearly 1,000 square miles in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties, Maryland, and serves 1.8 million residents.
WHEN: Tuesday, January 24, 2016, 6pm - 8:30pm.
WHERE: Hilton Arlington - 950 North Stafford Street, Arlington, Virginia
FEE: Early Registration: $45, Walk-In (pending availability)$55, Life Members $25, Students $10
Keith Tyson, PE, is Technical Services Group Leader for the Engineering and Construction Team at the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC). The Technical Services Group provides engineering consulting services for the Commission with an emphasis on in-house design, construction contract specifications, cost estimates, environmental monitoring and regulatory compliance. Additionally, the group performs WSSC’s surveying and property acquisition, manages the GIS system and maintains all engineering records.