Presented by Robert D. Stevens, ASCE 2015 President
Click HERE to register by September 14 to take advantage of Early Bird savings.
With a focus on your profession's future, and on helping you navigate upward in your chosen career, ASCE has been making a difference in this county for over a century. With a growing presence on the global stage, your Society is focusing on issues that are designed to elevate the profile of your profession to an even higher rung in society. Who could be better suited to helping you gain that perspective than the ASCE 2015 President Bob Stevens? During his term as President, he interacted with civil engineers and students across the world by speaking to groups ranging from 25 to over 7,000.
Past ASCE President Bob Stevens will discuss ASCE's strategic initiatives and describe some of his experiences around the world. He will focus on ASCE's continuing emphasis on technical activities, including the creation of ASCE's ninth technical institute-the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute. He will also explain how you can help achieve the initiatives and solve pressing issues facing our country.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 20, 2016, 6pm - 8:30pm.
WHERE: Hilton Arlington, Gallery
FEE: $45 (if registering by Sep 14, 2016). $55 (Walk-ins and late registrations). $25 (Life members). $10 (Students).
One (1) PDH will be awarded for attendance.
Bob Stevens was installed as the 2015 ASCE President at the 2014 Annual Meeting in Panama City, Panama. At the Annual Convention in New York City in October 2015, he became ASCE Past-President. He has been an active ASCE member for over 50 years, serving on the ASCE Board of Direction since 2012 when he was assigned to the Executive, Audit, and Strategic Planning Committees. With his election to President-Elect, he stepped down from his position as Chair of the Committee on Technical Advancement. He was also a founding governor and officer of ASCE's Transportation and Development Institute and Chair of the Technical Region Board of Governors. Throughout his career, he has worked in the transportation and water specialties of civil engineering leading environmental assessments, and the planning, design, and construction management of roads, bridges, rail, transit, airport, sewer, and water treatment projects.