Mar 10, 2020 (Reston): Future of Structural Engineering: SEI's Vision
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The structural engineering industry is at a crossroads due to the trends we're observing in the complexity of projects they undertake, in the increasing automation in design and construction, in the onerous nature of contractual terms, and the trends in global inter-connectivity. The need of the hour is to forecast the challenges these trends will lead to, and prepare the industry to emerge as project integrators, with a vital role in project policy, aesthetics, and finance, as creative problem solvers, and as articulate, respected, and sought after visionaries.
SEI President Glenn Bell will provide an update on various important and exciting initiatives underway in SEI including: advancements in performance-based design, case studies recently processed from Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety-US, young professionals initiatives, sustainability and resilience, consideration of leadership training programs for SE leaders of the future, and collaboration with other organizations such as NCSEA, CASE, and IStructE. Glenn will also lead a town-hall type discussion with participants on advancing the profession from local and national perspectives.
WHEN: Tuesday, Mar 10, 2020, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM (Sign-in and catered lunch begin at 11:45 AM, with speaker at 12:00 PM)
WHERE: ASCE Headquarters - 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, Virginia, 20191
COST: $25 per person (member) $20 (life member) $30 (nonmember)
Attendees will receive (1.0) Professional Development Hour (PDH).
About the Presenter:
Glenn Bell, P.E., F.SEI, F.ASCE, FIStructE, recently retired from Simpson Gumpertz and Heger after 45 years (22 years as CEO) to devote himself full-time to professional service. He is the 2019-2020 President of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE, Co-director of CROSS-US, Board Member of the Charles Pankow Foundation, External Assessment Panel Member for the Center for Risk Based Community Resilience Planning at Colorado State University, and Galletly-Dickson Visiting Scholar at the University of Bath in the UK.