The American Society of Engineers - National Capitol Section hosted its annual Awards Banquet at the Hilton Arlington on Tuesday March 22, 2016. The evening was hosted by Jordan Pitt, P.E., Vice President ASCE-NCS 2015-16, Bernie Dennis, P.E., Chairman of the ASCE-NCS Scholarship Trust Fund, and by Scott Wolf, P.E., P.L.S., President ASCE-NCS 2015-16. Highlights of the evening included:
- Opening Remarks by Jordan Pitt followed by Centennial Celebrations update by Victor Crawford
- Keynote Address by Ranjit Sahai, P.E., F.ASCE, ASCE-NCS Past President 2013-14 on the topic of "Fostering Creativity in Engineering" that ended with a gift of Dr. Stuart G. Walesh's book "Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers" for each of the five Faculty Advisors
- Award of Scholarships worth $13,500 by Bernie to students from five universities in the region served by NCS
- Recognition by ASCE Faculty Advisors at CUA, GMU, GWU, HU, UDC of their outstanding seniors in civil engineering
- Recognition by Jordan and Scott of NCS Meritorious Service Awards to Kelly Cronin and Alex Rosenheim
- Recognition by Jordan and Scott of ASCE Life Members
- Recognition by Scott Wolf of Ranjit Sahai and Chris Manalo with the President's Appreciation Award for their leadership in leading the DC Report Card and Centennial Celebration Planning efforts respectively this year