Fernando Pons, President (2008-09)
Having been involved in the NCS BOD has been fulfilling to me on a personal and professional basis. I have built life-long relationships with fellow civil engineers with whom I share mutual professional interests. Being involved with the NCS BOD also helped me hone-in on important soft skills such as writing, public speaking, and finance, especially if you take on the important roles of newsletter editor, treasurer, and president. Being part of the NCS BOD has also been a wonderful way to make a difference, give back to our profession, and outreach to our community through the many worthwhile programs that we participate in (i.e., student scholarship program, sustainability, Engineer’s Week, and Boundary Stones, just to mention a few).
Fernando is President of Pons & Associates, LLC, based in Herndon, VA, where his practice focuses on providing geotechnical engineering, environmental and facilities consulting services (www.ponsassociates.com). Prior to founding Pons & Associates, he worked for 20 years at nationally ranked geo-environmental specialty firms, including 14 years in various senior-level positions. He is a member of the ASCE’s Committee on Sustainability and Chair of the ASCE’s Infrastructure and Research Policy Committee. Fernando is also a P.E. in four states and a LEED Accredited Professional. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from Florida International University and the Georgia Institute of Technology, respectively; and an MBA from George Mason University. Fernando and his family live in Reston, VA. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..