- September 2018
- SECTION MEETING: Lead Levels in Drinking Water in Flint, Michigan - Background, Report of Virginia Tech Investigation and Status
- Rebekah Martin, Virginia Tech.
- October 2017
- SECTION MEETING: Off-Shore Wind Production Platforms – Geotech. and other Design and Regulatory Perspectives
- Darryl K. François and Daniel P. O’Connell, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- November 2016
- SECTION MEETING: Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility (NZERTF) - Lessons Learned
- Hunter Fanney, NIST
- June 2016
- CENTENNIAL CONFERENCE: History of NCS Sustainability Committee
- Fernando Pons, Pons & Associates
- April 2016
- SECTION MEETING: Flood Preparedness – National Mall, Memorial Parks and Federal Triangle
- Ned Wallace, National Park Service
- Karolina Kawiaka, Dartmouth College
- March 2016
- NCS SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE MEETING: Recycled Materials in Geo-engineering and Transportation
- Burak Tanyu, George Mason University
- April 2015
- SECTION MEETING: Federal Policies and Programs for Climate Change Adaptation
- Sam Naguchi, Federal Interagency Forum of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations
- March 2015
- NCS SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE MEETING: Benefits & Design - Porous Asphalt Pavements
- Kent Hansen, National Asphalt Pavement Association
- October 2014
- NCS SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE MEETING: Bridging the Gap Between Climate Change Science and Engineering Practice
- Richard Wright, ASCE Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate
- April 2014
- SECTION MEETING: Envision Case-Study: Hernandez Fish Hatchery, Anchorage, AK
- Michaella Wittman, HDR
- October 2013
- NCS SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE MEETING: Climate Impacts to Maryland Infrastructure
- Donald Boesch, University of Maryland
- March 2013
- SECTION MEETING: Sustainability in Civil and Building Construction Operations
- Courtney Lorenz, SKANSKA
- March 2012
- SECTION MEETING: ASCE’s participation in Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI)
- Peter Binney, ASCE & Merrick