Presented by Jeff Seltzer, PE, Associate Director, Stormwater Management Division
District Department of Energy & Environment

The Anacostia River Watershed covers portions of the District of Columbia, Prince George’s, and Montgomery County in Maryland. The Watershed is approximately 176 square miles in area and approximately 18 percent of its land area lies in the District. The river is entirely tidal in the District while the upstream land area in Maryland is primarily non-tidal.

The Anacostia River, once a pristine river is now degraded, mainly due to its highly urbanized character and decades of industrial and urban activities throughout the watershed. The river is the focus of large-scale restoration efforts by the District of Columbia government. The District Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) has taken the lead in restoration efforts and is working to transform the Anacostia River into a fishable and swimmable river.

During the first Section Meeting of 2016, on January 19, Jeff Seltzer of the District's DOEE, discussed:

  • The history of the Anacostia River and issues that have impacted its health
  • Current conditions of the Anacostia River
  • Modeling performed to determine the required level of effort to restore the river
  • Current public initiatives to restore the river
  • The outlook for accelerated restoration efforts leveraging public and private investments

Jeff Seltzer is the Associate Director for the Stormwater Management Division at the DOEE. In this role, he is responsible for the District’s stormwater management initiatives that improve the quality of the District’s tributaries and rivers, and ensure compliance with federal stormwater requirements. He manages an annual budget of approximately $18M that is used for capital projects as well as the administration of the District’s stormwater program. Jeff is a Professional Civil Engineer with over twenty years of experience. Prior to joining DOEE, Jeff worked as a Program Manager for the District Department of Transportation where he was responsible for water quality initiatives and capital projects under the District’s Anacostia Waterfront Initiative. Additionally, Jeff was the manager of Capital Projects for the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation that was charged with redeveloping over 2,000 acres along the Anacostia River.


What is ASCE-NCS?

Welcome to the website of the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a professional society for civil engineers.  ASCE was founded in 1852, represents 130,000 members of the civil engineering professional worldwide, and is America's oldest national engineering society.

The National Capital Section was founded in 1916 and currently has more than 3,100 members.  The section is located in Region 2 (link to region 2: The National Capital Section serves the District of Columbia; the counties of Montgomery and Prince Georges in Maryland, except College Park in Prince Georges County; the counties of Fairfax and Arlington, and City of Alexandria in Virginia. The National Capital Section's mission includes:

  • To advance the professional knowledge and improve the practice of civil engineering for our members and those we serve.
  • To advocate for our profession with those whose actions affect us, and to educate those whose actions and responsibilities could benefit from a better understanding of the contributions of civil engineers.
  • To improve our community through effective community outreach programs, local involvement and educational efforts.

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