Register by Monday, February 21. To register, click here.

The Engineers without Borders (EWB) Washington DC Professional Chapter is presently working on the assessment and design of a permanent stream crossing for the township of Dumangbe Sierra Leone. Dumangbe is in the Makpele Chiefdom of the Pujehun District; a Southeastern province of Sierra Leone with a population of roughly 800. The community is separated into two smaller towns, Dumangbe Old Town and Dumangbe New Town, by the Korgorgi stream. The community presently does not have a permanent crossing between the two portions of their towns. While temporary crossings are constructed annually, they are washed away during the rainy season, where monthly rainfall can reach 30" and surge through this stream. This has led community members being isolated for prolonged periods of time to attempts of crossing the stream in an unsafe manner, sometimes leading to drownings. The EWB DC Project team hopes to work with the community to implement a sustainable and long-lasting bridge crossing that will connect the two communities and will allow them access to economic and health opportunities throughout the year.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.
WHERE: Online webinar.
FEE: Registration (members, non-members, life members, students): $5.
One (1.0) Professional Development Hour (PDH) will be awarded for attendance.
(Link to attend event will be provided to registered attendees via confirmation email)
About the Speakers

Jamel El-Hamri joined the EWB-DC Professional Chapter in mid 2019 after successfully completing his Professional Engineer Certification. He is a civil engineer who has experience in an array of civil and transportation projects, working for both state and federal government agencies. Jamel intends to draw upon his experiences in project management and governance to help lead the project team to develop a resilient, community driven solution - that will help provide the community with better access to their surrounding region.

Evan Perreault is a mechanical design engineer who first joined EWB through the Hartford Professionals Chapter in CT. After moving to the DC Metro area in early 2019 he joined the EWB-DC Professional Chapter to continue his involvement in the organization and meet new engineers and professionals in the DC area. He is a mechanical engineer with experience in the design and production support of commercial and military jet engines. Evan wanted to lead the Sierra Leone Project because he believes that using his engineering knowledge and skills to improve the lives of those less fortunate is not just an activity, but a responsibility and being able to help a community gain physical access to medical aid, food security, and basic education is empowering to everyone involved.

Nicole Regobert works in Project Controls/Management on DC Capitol projects and has been involved with EWB-USA since 2010 through leadership roles with the EWB-Mid Columbia Professional Chapter in Washington State, the Central Houston Professional Chapter, and the Washington DC Professional Chapter. Additionally, she serves as an ICP Reviewer for EWB-USA. She joined EWB-DC in 2017 to give back and make an impact to communities in need by using her EWB/Project Management skills. Since joining the DC Chapter she has traveled with the El Salvador project team to successfully close it out and hopes to help keep the chapter organized and to find ways to engage with other regional chapters as part of chapter leadership.