Click Register NOW to register by November 23 for your complimentary gingerbread house kit!

All ASCE-NCS Section and YMF members,

You are invited...
Join the Annual ASCE National Capital Section and the Younger Member Forum combined virtual Holiday Social!
This year we will be hosting a gingerbread house building contest! Each member registered by November 23rd will receive a gingerbread house kit delivered right to their front door! Prizes will be provided for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
WHEN: Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM.
WHERE: Online
FEE: Complimentary for NCS and YMF members!
The Webex login information will be sent upon registration so be sure to click the "Register NOW" link above.
ASCE NCS would also like to support Marine Toys for Tots this holiday season. Please click this link to donate!