Slope stabilization with deep foundations elements is a relatively new cost-effective technique that has been used successfully in recent years.
In some cases, it may not be the most economical option compared to traditional methods such as slide removal and embankment reconstruction, but it is often the most cost-effective solution on cases with limited accessibility, concerns regarding safety of excavation, ownership of right-of-way, and closure of communication corridors.
Although this technique has been used frequently in the last decade, there is not a standard code or design manual that covers an accepted design methodology.
The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) has developed numerous conferences during the last decade where many practitioners and academics have presented general ideas and consensus regarding this topic. These ideas have been gathered on DFI conference proceedings and publications.
The presentation covered some of the main design ideas through the design implementation and construction of slide remediations developed by the author. One example illustrated the case of rockslides where micropiles were used on an emergency job, while a second example considered a soil slide where drilled shafts were utilized. Case studies were explained from design, construction, and performance of these systems, highlighting the lessons learned.
This event was held at Hilton Arlington, 950 N Stafford St, Arlington, Virginia. Attendees received 1 PHD certificate for attendance.
About the Speaker
Sebastian Logo-Guerrero, Ph.D, P.E., D.GE

Sebastian Lobo-Guerrero, Ph.D, P.E., D.GE is a Geotechnical Project Manager / Laboratory Manager for American Geotechnical & Environmental Services, Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as well as an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh. Sebastian received his Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia where he was born and raised and then he received his Master's Degree and Ph.D in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.
Sebastian has 21 years of experience in Geotechnical Engineering, specializing in the design of shallow and deep foundations, earth retaining structures, and landslide stabilization. He has authored more than 100 technical papers and presentations published in scientific journals, geotechnical magazines, and conference proceedings worldwide. Sebastian is the Former Chair of the Pittsburgh ASCE Geo-Institute and Former Director of the ASCE Pittsburgh Section. He is also a member of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Anchored Earth Retention Committee, and Conference Chair for DFI-45 2020 and DFI-47 2022 in National Harbor, Maryland. Sebastian has also received the following distinguished awards from ASCE including the 2021 Pittsburgh Section Lifetime Achievement, 2020 Pittsburgh Section Civil Engineer of the Year, 2016 Geo-Institute Distinguished Reviewer, 2006 Geo-Institute Best Paper on Numerical Modelling, and is a certified Diplomate, Geotechnical Engineering by the Academy of Geoprofessionals.