Highlights of the D.C. CSO Tunnel System

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This will be the fourth ASCE presentation on aspects of the DC Water CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) Tunnel System design and construction.  This presentation will not duplicate earlier presentations on Anacostia River Tunnel, Northeast Boundary Tunnel, and Potomac River Tunnel, but will fill-in with some of the interesting tunneling items over the years which time did not allow to be discussed previously.


About the Speaker

Gordon C. Evans, PE, Gordon C. Evans, PE, Retired Program Manager Tunnel Design, D.C. Water

Gordon C. Evans, MBA, PE: Now retired, Gordon Evans, since 2013, was a public sector employee of DC Water and Sewer Authority in Washington, DC, serving as Program Manager, Tunnel Design, for DC Water’s Clean Rivers Project. The Clean Rivers program implemented a Long Term Control Plan to construct a system of combined sewer overflow (CSO) tunnels approximately 100 feet below the District’s streets to alleviate surface flooding and discharge of untreated wastewater into the District’s waterways to satisfy terms of a Consent Decree.

Mr. Evans is a registered professional engineer who has served as a private sector consultant on numerous water and wastewater, collection, treatment, and conveyance projects in multiple states. He has also worked as a public works construction contractor building water and wastewater treatment and conveyance systems.

Mr. Evans received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Indiana University. He has made previous public works presentations before the American Public Works Association (APWA) the World Environmental Forum Technical Exhibition Congress (WEFTEC), the Rapid Excavation & Tunneling Conference (RETC), and schools, universities and professional groups, including ASCE.

Of particular interest to Mr. Evans is the history of development of water and wastewater treatment and conveyance, and its positive impact on public health. He has noted the strong correlation between construction of water and wastewater facilities across the US, with the rise of life expectancy.


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Welcome to the website of the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a professional society for civil engineers.  ASCE was founded in 1852, represents 130,000 members of the civil engineering professional worldwide, and is America's oldest national engineering society.

The National Capital Section was founded in 1916 and currently has more than 3,100 members.  The section is located in Region 2 (link to region 2: http://region2.asce.org/). The National Capital Section serves the District of Columbia; the counties of Montgomery and Prince Georges in Maryland, except College Park in Prince Georges County; the counties of Fairfax and Arlington, and City of Alexandria in Virginia. The National Capital Section's mission includes:

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