Register by Monday, September 20. Click HERE to register.
DASH and WSP collaborated in early 2021 to develop a ZEB Implementation Plan supporting the extension of their current maintenance facility to accommodate a future zero emission bus (ZEB) fleet. DASH plans to transition 100% of their fleet to battery electric buses (BEBs) by 2037. This transition will bring widespread community benefits by substantially lowering carbon emissions and decrease noise pollution throughout Alexandria neighborhoods. To accomplish this transition, WSP assessed the existing DASH bus depot and determined optimal battery electric charging solutions, preferred vehicle flow to minimize disruptions, and provided a future ready solution utilizing automated yard design strategies.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM.
WHERE: Online webinar.
FEE: Registration (members, non-members, life members, students): $5.
One (1.0) Professional Development Hour (PDH) will be awarded for attendance.
About the Speakers
Raymond Mui is the Assistant General Manager for Alexandria Transit Company, DASH, and has been with the agency for over 10 years serving in a variety of high-profile roles. Currently, Mr. Mui oversees bus maintenance and operations personnel, with a leadership role in the recently launched battery electric bus (BEB) pilot deployment including six BEBs and six ground-mounted plug-in chargers. The BEB Pilot is one of the more advanced demonstrations in Northern, VA and will hold valuable lessons-learned for transit agencies throughout the region.
Paul E. Totten, PE, LEED AP, Severin Skolrud is WSP’s Zero Emission Market Lead for DC, MD, VA, and WV. He is currently serving as MDOT MTA’s Zero-emission Program Manager overseeing one of the largest fleet transitions in the Mid-Atlantic with a $1B CAPX over the next 9 years. Additionally, Mr. Skolrud is WSP’s National Bus Automation Lead and is the lead author of the recent white paper focusing on Bus Automation Solutions for transit agencies in North America. Mr. Skolrud recently served as Project Manager for DASH’s ZEB Implementation Plan and is leading a stakeholder coalition with the Advanced Energy Group (AEG) to increase the deployment of battery electric infrastructure in the Washington, DC region to expedite zero emission fleet transition.